qiagen缓冲液Buffer AL货号19075Buffer AL是216 ml的裂解液,在采用QIAmp或DNeasy技术纯化DNA时使用。所有QIAamp Kits和DNeasy Tissue Kits都提供这种即用型裂解液(DNeasy 96 Tissue Kit中需要添加乙醇才可使用)。
qiagen缓冲液Buffer AL货号19075
Cat No./ID:19075
Buffer AL (264 ml)
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264 ml Lysis Buffer
qiagen缓冲液Buffer AL货号19075
Buffer AL是216 ml的裂解液,在采用QIAmp或DNeasy技术纯化DNA时使用。所有QIAamp Kits和DNeasy Tissue Kits都提供这种即用型裂解液(DNeasy 96 Tissue Kit中需要添加乙醇才可使用)。
QIAamp® Fast DNA Stool Mini KitFor isolation of gDNA from stool samplesThe QIAamp Fast DNA Stool Mini Kit enables rapid purification of high-quality genomic DNA (human and bacterial) fromfresh or frozen stool samples. The novel, liquid InhibitEX® Buffer included in the kit replaces cumbersome inhibitor removaltablets to efficiently deplete PCR inhibitors commonly present in stool samples and significantly reduce handling time.The QIAamp Fast DNA Stool Mini Kit affords:• A streamlined, faster purification protocol• Efficient depletion of PCR inhibitors• High sensitivity in downstream assays• An automated workflow on the QIAcube®Fast and convenient handlingThe QIAamp Fast DNA Stool Mini Kit streamlines gDNA purification fromstool samples, reducing the total time needed from sample to isolatedDNA to as little as 25 minutes. The unique formulation of the newInhibitEX Buffer efficiently separates PCR inhibitors from DNA and itsliquid format is more convenient than tablets or powder. Manual samplehandling is streamlined because extra addition of inhibitor removalreagents is no longer required and experiments can be scaled moreeasily. The QIAamp Fast DNA Stool Mini Kit can be automated oninstruments like the QIAcube.Rapid protocols are provided to efficiently isolate human DNA ormicrobial DNA for pathogen detection. Shortly, stool is suspended inInhibitEX Buffer to separate inhibitors from DNA. Following a quick lysis,DNA binds to the QIAamp silica membrane. Any remaining inhibitorsand contaminants are removed by washing steps and pure, intact DNAis then eluted from the column.QIAamp Fast DNA Stool Mini KitFully automatable on the QIAcubeSampleSuspend inInhibitEx BufferDigest proteinsBindWash 2xEluteDNA ready for downstream applications
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