


产品目录一级分类:Air Monitoring 空气监测Analytical Reagents 分析试剂Analytical Standards 分析标准Applications 应用Chiral Chromatography 手性色谱法Chromatography Standards 色谱标准Derivatization Reagents 衍生化试剂Food & Beverage Analysis 食品及饮料分析Gas Chromatography 气相色谱法HPLC 液相色谱法Ion Sensor Materials 离子传感器材料Karl Fischer Titration (HYDRANAL®) 卡尔·费休滴定法Laboratory Supplies 实验室用品LPLC/TLC/Paper Chromatography LPLC/ TLC/纸色谱Mass Spectrometry 质谱Microbiology 微生物Microscopy Reagents 显微镜试剂Pharmacopoeia (USP) 药典(USP)Resins & Media 树脂与媒体Sample Prep/Purification 样品制备/纯化Solid Phase Extraction 固相萃取Solid Phase Microextraction 固相微萃取Solvents 溶剂Spectroscopy 光谱Syringes 注射器Titration 滴定Vials 样品瓶产品目录二级分类:Air Monitoring 空气监测Bulk Adsorbents - (118) 散装吸附剂 - (118)Polymeric Adsorbents - (6) 聚合物吸附剂 - (6)Active Sampling - (305) 主动采样 - (305)Passive/Diffusive Sampling - (52) 被动/扩散采样 - (52)Gas Sampling Bags and Bottles - (36) 气体采样袋和瓶 - (36)Air Sampling Pumps & Pump Accessories - (26) 空气采样泵及泵配件 - (26)Air Monitoring Standards - (104) 空气监测标准 - (104)Air Monitoring Applications - (15) 空气监测中的应用 - (15)Analytical Reagents 分析试剂Capillary Electrophoresis - (28) 毛细管电泳 - (28)Chromatography Reagents & Solvents - (325) 色谱试剂和溶剂 - (325)Analytical Reagents for General Use - (588) 一般用途分析试剂 - (588)Derivatization Reagents - (413) 衍生试剂 - (413)Titration - (656) 滴定 - (656)Microscopy Reagents - (109) 显微镜试剂 - (109)Biocides - (34) 杀菌剂 - (34)Gravimetric Reagents - (23) 重量试剂 - (23)Application Specific Reagents - (267) 特殊试剂的应用 - (267)Trace Analysis Reagents & Solvents - (88) 跟踪分析试剂和溶剂 - (88)Potable- & Waste-Water Testing - (257) 饮用水及废水测试 - (257)Electrochemistry - (29) 电化学 - (29)Spectroscopy - (453) 光谱 - (453)Analytical Standards 分析标准Market Segments - (344) 细分市场 - (344)Proficiency Testing (RTC) - (293) 能力测试(RTC) - (293)Alphabetic - (5174) 字母 - (5174)Application - (89) 应用 - (89)Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) - (1237) 认证的参考材料(CRMS) - (1237)Chemical Class - (969) 化工类 - (969)Chromatography - (5012) 色谱 - (5012)Electrophoresis - (22) 电泳 - (22)Labeled Standards - (92) 标记的标准 - (92)Method Specific - (1165) 具体的方法 - (1165)Physical Properties - (197) 物理性质 - (197)Spectroscopy - (356) 光谱 - (356)Thermal Analysis - (7) 热分析 - (7)Titrimetry - (21) 滴定法 - (21)Applications 应用GC Applications - (113) GC应用 - (113)HPLC Applications - (510) 液相色谱法的应用 - (510)Chiral Applications - (285) 手性应用 - (285)SPME Applications - (39) 固相微萃取应用 - (39)SPE Applications - (33) 固相萃取应用 - (33)Air Monitoring Applications - (9) 空气监测中的应用 - (9)Food & Beverage Analysis - (107) 食品及饮料分析 - (107)Amino Acid Analysis - (12) 氨基酸分析 - (12)Food Safety Testing - (89) 食品安全检测 - (89)Biofuels Manufacturing and Testing - (89) 生物燃料的制造和测试 - (89)Chiral Chromatography 手性色谱法Chiral HPLC Columns - (310) 手性HPLC柱 - (310)Chiral Method Development Kits (HPLC) - (5) 手性方法开发工具包(HPLC) - (5)Chiral Gas Chromatography (GC) Columns - (52) 手性气相色谱(GC)柱 - (52)Chiral Method Development Kits (GC) - (4) 手性方法开发工具包(GC) - (4)Chiral Derivatization Reagents - (46) 手性衍生试剂 - (46)Chiral Phase Additives - (24) 手性流动相添加剂 - (24)Chiral GC Column Test Mixes - (10) 手性GC柱试验混合 - (10)Chiral HPLC Column Test Mixes - (3) 手性HPLC柱试验混合 - (3)ChiroSolv Resolving Kits - (4) ChiroSolv解析套件 - (4)Chiral Applications - (350) 手性应用 - (350)Chromatography Standards 色谱标准Air Monitoring Standards - (92) 空气监测标准 - (92)Biofuels - (1) 生物燃料 - (1)Certified Reference Material for Chromatography - (0) 色谱认证的参考材料 - (0)Clinical Standards - (142) 临床标准 - (142)Column/Instrument Performance Test Mixes - (53) 柱/仪器的性能测试混合液 - (53)Cosmetic Standards - (93) 化妆品标准 - (93)Environmental Standards - (2906) 环境标准 - (2906)Food & Beverage Standards - (524) 食品及饮料标准 - (524)Forensic and Veterinary Standards - (380) 法医和兽医标准 - (380)Gas Calibration Standards - (21) 气体校准标准 - (21)Gasoline, Diesel, & Petroleum - (152) 汽油,柴油和石油 - (152)Ion Chromatography Standards - (35) 离子色谱法标准 - (35)Life Sciences Standards - (516) 生命科学的标准 - (516)Pharmaceutical Standards - (275) 药品标准 - (275)Polymer Standards - (138) 聚合物标准 - (138)Standards Accessories - (5) 标准配件 - (5)Standards for SupelMIP SPE - (27) SupelMIP SPE的标准 - (27)Derivatization Reagents 衍生化试剂Derivatization Reagents GC - (107) 衍生试剂气相色谱 - (107)Derivatization Reagents HPLC - (208) 衍生试剂液相色谱 - (208)Derivatization Reagents TLC - (80) 衍生试剂 - 薄层(80)Accessories for Derivatization - (10) 衍生配件 - (10)Acylation Reagents - (31) 酰化试剂 - (31)Alkylation Reagents - (23) 烷基化试剂 - (23)Chiral Derivatization Reagents - (38) 手性衍生试剂 - (38)Derivatization Reagent Sampler Kits - (4) 衍生试剂采样工具箱 - (4)Reagents for Deactivating Glassware and Chromatographic Supports - (4) 停用玻璃器皿和色谱支持试剂 - (4)Silylation Reagents - (49) 硅烷化试剂 - (49)Food & Beverage Analysis 食品及饮料分析Carbohydrates (sugars and saccharides) and Dietary Fiber - (10) 碳水化合物(糖和糖类)和膳食纤维 - (10)Fats (fatty acids and triglycerides), Edible Oils, and Sterols - (91) 脂肪(脂肪酸和甘油三酯),食油和甾醇 - (91)Proteins (amino acids, peptides, proteins, and nitrogen content) - (10) 蛋白质(氨基酸,多肽,蛋白质,氮含量) - (10)Nutritional (other than carbohydrates, fats, and proteins) - (21) 营养(碳水化合物,脂肪和蛋白质以外) - (21)Non-Nutritional Ingredients and Additives - (18) 非营养成分和添加剂 - (18)Water/Moisture Content - (75) 水/水分 - (75)Microbial Growth - (1453) 微生物的生长 - (1453)Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) - (102) 转基因生物(GMO)的 - (102)Physical Characteristics - (222) 物理特性 - (222)Pesticide and Metabolite Residues - (23) 农药及代谢物残留量 - (23)Veterinary Drug Residues - (23) 兽药残留 - (23)Toxins (other than pesticide/drug residues) - (21) 毒素(农药/药物残留以外) - (21)Processing/Packaging Contaminants - (18) 加工/包装污染物 - (18)Adulterants - (2) (2)西药成分 - Beverages - (2) 饮料 - (2)Matrix-Based Certified Reference Materials (CRMs) - (5) 基于矩阵的认证的参考材料(CRMS) - (5)Gas Chromatography 气相色谱法Adsorbents - (92) 吸附剂 - (92)Analytical Standards - (6578) 分析标准 - (6578)Capillary GC Columns and Guard Columns/Retention Gaps - (475) 毛细管气相色谱柱和保护柱/保存差距 - (475)Derivatization Reagents GC - (138) 衍生试剂气相色谱 - (138)Gas Purification/Management - (394) 煤气净化/管理 - (394)GC Accessories - (560) 气相色谱配件 - (560)GC Column Test Mixes - (29) GC柱试验组曲 - (29)GC Solvents - (47) 气相色谱溶剂 - (47)Packed GC Columns and Components - (360) 盒装GC柱和组件 - (360)HPLC 液相色谱法HPLC Columns, by Phase - (155) HPLC色谱柱,通过*阶段 - (155)HPLC Columns, by Brand for Small Molecules - (1527) HPLC色谱柱,小分子的品牌 - (1527)HPLC Columns for Biomolecules, Polymers, and Other Large Molecules - (506) HPLC色谱柱的生物分子,聚合物和其他大分子 - (506)HPLC Columns, by USP Code - (92) HPLC色谱柱,通过USP代码 - (92)Applications - (566) 应用 - (566)Buffers & Reagents - (100) 缓冲器及试剂 - (100)Capillary Dimensions - (51) 毛细管尺寸 - (51)Chiral HPLC Columns - (371) 手性HPLC柱 - (371)Column Test Mixes (HPLC) - (13) 柱试验混合物(HPLC) - (13)Derivatization Reagents HPLC - (273) 衍生试剂液相色谱 - (273)HPLC Accessories - (742) 液相色谱配件 - (742)HPLC Solvents - (115) 液相色谱法溶剂 - (115)Ion Pair Reagents - (60) 离子对试剂 - (60)Semi-Prep and Preparative HPLC Columns - (100) 半的准备和制备液相色谱法柱 - (100)Ion Sensor Materials 离子传感器材料Accessories - (22) 附件 - (22)Additives for ISE - (13) ISE的添加剂(离子选择性电极Buffers for ISE - (4) 缓冲区的ISE - (4)Chromoionophores - (15) 色谱离子载体Electrolytes - (12) 电解质 - (12)Ion Standard Solutions for ISE - (15) 离子标准溶液ISE - (15)Ionic strength adjustor solutions (ISA) - (6) 离子强度调节溶液(ISA) - (6)Ionophore Cocktails - (22) 载体鸡尾酒 - (22)Ionophores Potentiometric for ISE - (120) 离子载体的ISE电位 - (120)Plasticizer for ISE - (39) 增塑剂的ISE - (39)Polymers for ISE - (11) ISE的聚合物 - (11)Ready-to-use Membranes - (5) 准备使用的膜 - (5)Silanizing Agents for ISE - (4) (4)对ISE Silanizing代理 - Solvents for ISE preparations - (5) ISE的准备溶剂 - (5)Karl Fischer Titration (HYDRANAL®) 卡尔·费休滴定法Volumetric Reagents - (23) 体积试剂 - (23)Coulometric Reagents - (11) 库仑试剂 - (11)E-type reagents (ethanol-based) - (8) E型试剂(乙醇) - (8)Water Standards for Karl Fischer titration - (10) 卡尔·费休滴定法 - 水标准(10)Auxiliary Reagents & Products for KF Titration - (10) 辅助试剂及KF滴定产品 - (10)Moisture Test Kit - (2) 水分测试套件 KF Reagents for Special Applications - (25) KF试剂特殊应用 - (25)Syringes for Karl Fischer Titration - (14) 卡尔费休滴定注射器 - (14)LPLC/TLC/Paper Chromatography LPLC/ TLC/纸色谱LPLC - Columns & Accessories - (126) LPLC - 柱及配件 - (126)LPLC Separation Media - (280) LPLC分离介质 - (280)See also: VersaFlash® & VersaPak Products - (577) 另见:VersaFlash®和VersaPak产品 - (577)Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) - (269) 薄层色谱(TLC) - (269)Chromatography Paper - (16) 色谱纸 - (16)Mass Spectrometry 质谱Matrix Substances for MALDI-MS - (39) MALDI-MS的基质物质 ,基质辅助激光解吸附质谱技术Reagents for Mass Spectrometry (MS) - (26) 质谱试剂 (26)LC-MS Solvents & Reagents (CHROMASOLV) - (56) LC-MS溶剂,试剂(CHROMASOLV) - (56)MS Standards - (23) MS标准 - (23)See also: Mass Spectrometry for protein analysis - (984) 另见:质谱蛋白质分析 - (984)Microbiology 微生物Base Ingredients - (122) 基础原料 - (122)Disinfection Reagents - (3) 消毒试剂 - (3)Identification Tests & Reagents - (180) 鉴定试验试剂 - (180)Media - (593) 媒体 - (593)Microbiology Equipment - (0) 微生物学设备 - (0)Microorganisms - (25) 微生物 - (25)Microscopy Reagents and Kits - (32) 显微镜试剂和试剂盒 - (32)Quality Control Standards (RTC) 质量控制标准“(RTC)Quorum Sensing / Signaling Compounds - (24) 群体感应/信令化合物 - (24)Microscopy Reagents 显微镜试剂Embedding and Mounting Media - (38) 嵌入和安装介质 - (38)Fixation Reagents - (5) 固定剂 - (5)Immersion Oils - (7) 浸泡油 - (7)Stains and Dyes - (52) 污渍和染料 - (52)Supplies - (1) 用品 - (1)Various Chemicals - (6) 各种化学品 - (6Pharmacopoeia (USP) 药典(USP)Resins & Media 树脂与媒体Resins & LC Separation Media - (335) 树脂和LC分离介质 - (335)Ultrafiltration & Ion Exchange Membrane Devices - (8) 超滤和离子交换膜装置 - (8)Sample Prep/Purification 样品制备/纯化Air Monitoring - (419) 空气监测 - (419)Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) - (560) 固相萃取(SPE) - (560)Solid Phase Microextraction (SPME) - (246) 固相微萃取(SPME) - (246)Flash Chromatography - (513) 闪光色谱 - (513)Dioxin Sample Prep System - (35) 二恶英样品制备系统 - (35)Purge and Trap - (75) 吹扫捕集 - (75)Extraction Glassware - (108) 提取玻璃器皿 - (108)Supercritical Fluid Extraction (SFE) - (5) 超临界流体萃取(SFE) - (5)Bulk Adsorbents - (118) 散装吸附剂 - (118)Solid Phase Extraction 固相萃取HybridSPE-Phospholipid - (9) HybridSPE磷脂 - (9)Supel QuE (QuEChERS) Tubes - (26) supel阙(QuEChERS方法)管 - (26)Supel Sphere SPE - (1) supel球固相萃取 - (1)SupelMIP Molecular Imprinted Polymers - (19) SupelMIP分子印迹聚合物 - (19)Supel-Select SPE - (21) supel选择固相萃取 - (21)Empore SPE disks, cartridges, and 96-well plates - (21) empore SPE的磁盘,墨盒,96孔板 - (21)Protein & Peptide Enrichment - (5) 蛋白质与多肽富集 - (5)Discovery SPE Tubes - (159) 发现SPE管 - (159)Discovery SPE 96-Well Plates - (38) 发现SPE的96孔板 - (38)Supelclean ENVI and Supelclean SPE Cartridges - (127) supelclean ENVI和Supelclean SPE小柱 - (127)SPE Method Development Plates and Kits - (6) SPE方法开发板和套件 - (6)SPE Products For Combinatorial Chemistry - (27) SPE产品组合化学 - (27)Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Accessories - (138) 固相萃取(SPE)配件 - (138)VersaPure Prepacked, Disposable Buchner Funnels - (33) 预装VersaPure,一次性布氏漏斗 - (33)Bulk Adsorbents - (118) 散装吸附剂 - (118)See also: Solvents - (1613) 另见:溶剂 - (1613)SPE Applications - (40) SPE的应用 - (40)Solid Phase Microextraction 固相微萃取SPME Fibers and Holders - (101) SPME纤维和持有人 - (101)SPME for HPLC and Bioanalysis: Interface, Fibers, Probes, and Accessories - (10) SPME-HPLC,和生物分析:接口,光纤,探头和附件 - (10)SPME / GC Inlet Liners - (19) 固相微萃取/气相色谱衬管 - (19)SPME Accessories - (62) SPME配件 - (62)Portable Field Samplers - (6) 便携式现场取样 - (6)SPME Applications - (51) SPME应用 - (51)Solvents 溶剂Solvent by Application - (853) 溶剂的应用 - (853)Solvent by Type - (475) 溶剂型 - (475)Solvent Packaging Options - (662) 溶剂包装选项 - (662)See also: Air-Sensitive Products Guide - (292) 另见:空气敏感产品指南 - (292)Spectroscopy 光谱Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) - (75) 原子吸收光谱法(AAS) - (75)Electron Spin Resonance (ESR/EPR) Spectroscopy - (29) 电子自旋共振(ESR/ EPR)光谱 - (29)Elemental Analysis - (10) 元素分析 - (10)Fluorescence/Luminescence Spectroscopy - (58) 荧光/发光光谱 - (58)ICP-OES/-MS - (5) ICP-OES/-MS - (5)Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy - (8) 红外线(IR)光谱 - (8)Magnetic Resonance Imaging/Spectroscopy - (89) 磁共振成像/光谱 - (89)Mass Spectrometry (MS) - (65) 质谱(MS) - (65)NMR Solvents, Reagents, Standards, Tubes - (341) 核磁共振溶剂,试剂,标准,管 - (341)Raman Spectroscopy - (5) 拉曼光谱 - (5)Spectroscopy Supplies - (420) 光谱用品 - (420)UV/Visible (UV/VIS) Spectroscopy - (222) 紫外/可见光(UV / VIS)光谱 - (222)Books, Spectral Libraries, Software - (47) 书籍,谱库,软件 - (47)Syringes 注射器GC Autosampler Syringes - (133) GC 自动进样注射器 - (133)SGE eVol Analytical Electronic Syringe - (25) SGE eVol分析电子注射器 - (25)GC Manual Syringes - (272) GC手动注射器 - (272)HPLC Autosampler Syringes - (18) HPLC自动进样注射器 - (18)HPLC Manual Syringes - (45) HPLC手动注射器 - (45)Speciality Syringes - (26) 专业注射器 - (26)Titration 滴定Most common compounds for volumetric titration - (213) zui常见的化合物,容量滴定 - (213)Volumetric Solutions - (207) 体积解决方案 - (207)Volumetric Concentrates (e.g. FIXANAL) - (62) 体积浓缩(例如FIXANAL) - (62)Complexometric Titration Reagents (EDTA Titration) - (44) 络合滴定试剂(EDTA滴定法) - (44)Non-aqueous Titration Reagents - (20) 非水溶液滴定试剂 - (20)DURACAL pH Buffer Solutions, color-coded - (9) DURACAL pH值的缓冲溶液,颜色编码 - (9)pH Buffers for Titration - (87) pH缓冲液,滴定 - (87)Indicators - (204) 指标 - (204)Karl Fischer Titration Reagents (HYDRANAL) - (55) 卡尔费休滴定试剂(HYDRANAL) - (55)Solution containers 5 L / 10 L (VOLPAC) - (39) 溶液的容器5升/ 10升(VOLPAC) - (39)pH Electrodes - (81) pH电极 - (81)pH Meters - (103) pH计 - (103)Glassware (burettes, flasks, pipettes, cylinders) - (436) 玻璃器皿(滴定管,容量瓶,移液管,气瓶) - (436)Titrimetry CRMs - (11) 滴定法测定标准物质 - (11)Vials 样品瓶Vials for Mass Spectrometry - (46) 质谱瓶 - (46)Certified Low Adsorption (LA), Neutral pH Vials - (14) 低吸附认证(洛杉矶),中性pH瓶 - (14)Certified Vials - (67) 认证样品瓶 - (67)Ampules - (15) 安瓿 - (15)Application - (98) 应用 - (98)Autosampler/Vial Cross Reference - (219) 自动进样器交叉参考/瓶 - (219)Autosampler Vials - (499) 自动进样瓶 - (499)Center Drain (CD) vials - (51) 中心排水(CD)的小瓶 - (51)Caps, Crimp Seals and Stoppers - (170) 帽,压密封和塞 - (170)Convenience Kits - (32) 方便套件 - (32)Headspace & SPME Vials - (75) 顶空固相微萃取瓶 - (75)Inserts - (33) 插入 - (33)Multiwell Plates - (651) 多孔板 - (651)Micro Reaction Vials - (37) 微反应管 - (37)Mininert Valves - (10) mininert阀 - (10)Plastic vials and inserts - (21) 塑料瓶和插入 - (21)Sampling, Storage, and Serum Bottles - (286) 取样,储存,血清瓶 - (286)Scintillation Vials - (8) 闪烁瓶 - (8)Search by Size and Dimension - (111) 搜索大小和尺寸 - (111)Septa - (90) 隔 - (90)Silanized & Precleaned Vials - (25) 硅烷化处理及预洗样品瓶 - (25)Certan Vials and Storage Containers - (32) 色丹样品瓶和储存容器 - (32)Suppliers - (64) 供应商 - (64)Vial Accessories - (60) 小瓶附件 - (60)Vial Type - (164) 瓶型 - (164)VOA (EPA) Vials - (7) 美国之音(EPA)的样品瓶 - (7)

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