Bio-Rad伯乐TGX Stain-Free丙烯酰胺免染制胶试剂盒161-0183
简要描述:Bio-Rad伯乐TGX Stain-Free丙烯酰胺免染制胶试剂盒161-0183,TGX Stain-Free™ FastCast丙烯酰胺免染制胶试剂盒为手灌凝胶提供即开即用的预混液,可应用于SDS-PAGE或者PAGE。无需额外的操作,免染技术可在电泳技术后快速确认凝胶中蛋白分离记过和在转印后确认印迹膜上的转印效率。
Bio-Rad伯乐TGX Stain-Free丙烯酰胺免染制胶试剂盒161-0183
TGX Stain-Free™ FastCast™ Acrylamide Kit, 12% #1610185
TGX Stain-Free™ FastCast丙烯酰胺免染制胶试剂盒为手灌凝胶提供即开即用的预混液,可应用于SDS-PAGE或者PAGE。无需额外的操作,免染技术可在电泳技术后快速确认凝胶中蛋白分离记过和在转印后确认印迹膜上的转印效率。该试剂盒里分别有两瓶分离胶和浓缩胶溶液,经过1:1混合后加入适量的TEMED和APS进行灌胶。免染技术:更快更好的成像,在蛋白定量中使用更准确的总蛋白归一化分析。
Bio-Rad伯乐TGX Stain-Free丙烯酰胺免染制胶试剂盒161-0183订购信息:
1610170 | | TGX FastCastTMAcrylamide Starter Kit, 7.5%, sufficient for hand casting ~ 10 mini gels |
1610171 | | TGX FastCast Acrylamide Kit , 7.5%, sufficient for hand casting ~ 50 mini gels |
1610172 | | TGX FastCast Acrylamide Starter Kit, 10%, sufficient for hand casting ~ 10 mini gels |
1610173 | | TGX FastCast Acrylamide Kit, 10%, sufficient for hand casting ~ 50 mini gels |
1610174 | | TGX FastCast Acrylamide Starter Kit, 12%, sufficient for hand casting ~ 10 mini gels |
1610175 | | TGX FastCast Acrylamide Kit, 12%, sufficient for hand casting ~ 50 mini gels |
1610180 | | TGX Stain-FreeTMFastCastTMAcrylamide Starter Kit, 7.5%, sufficient for hand casting ~ 10 mini gels |
1610181 | | TGX Stain-Free FastCast Acrylamide Kit, 7.5%, sufficient for hand casting ~ 50 mini gels |
1610182 | | TGX Stain-Free FastCast Acrylamide Starter Kit, 10%, sufficient for hand casting ~ 10 mini gels |
1610183 | | TGX Stain-Free FastCast Acrylamide Kit, 10%, sufficient for hand casting ~ 50 mini gels |
1610184 | | TGX Stain-Free FastCast Acrylamide Starter Kit, 12%, sufficient for hand casting ~ 10 mini gels |
1610185 | | TGX Stain-Free FastCast Acrylamide Kit, 12%, sufficient for hand casting ~ 50 mini gels |
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