Kingfisher Biotech 重组蛋白、多克隆抗体
我们诺博莱德公司作为Kingfisher Biotech公司的代理商。先介绍一下我们公司。
北京诺博莱德科技有限公司位于北京市海淀区,是一家专业从事生化试剂、分子生物学试剂、实验耗材及实验仪器研发、销售、服务为一体的生物科技公司,公司主要经营产品涉及化工原料、生化试剂、分子克隆相关试剂、细胞培养及检测常用试剂、实验室常用耗材及仪器设备等。 诺博莱德 Noble-Ryder秉承博采众长、诚信为本、德行天下的宗旨服务于客户。公司合作单位及客户包括各大医院、科研机构、大专院校、制药单位、医学检验单位、卫生防疫、生物技术公司、食品单位等诸多领域,正逐步成长为专业的生化试剂和耗材供应商。
Kingfisher Biotech公司主要技术领域
Kingfisher Biotech公司致力于兽医基础研究,重点是开发牛、马、猪和鸡的兽医研究用高品质试剂,此外,提供犬、猫、山羊、绵羊、火鸡、水牛、鲶鱼、鲑鱼等其他动物和鱼类研究领域用试剂。
Kingfisher Biotech公司主要产品包括重组蛋白、多克隆抗体和ELISA试剂盒等。
金山科研平台作为Kingfisher Biotech公司的代理商为客户提供,正规进口,保证原装正品,货期稳定,折扣好的服务标准
Kingfisher Biotech公司热销产品
产品名称 | 货号 | 规格 |
Recombinant Chicken IL-4 | RP0110C-025 | 25 ug |
Streptavidin-HRP | AR0068-001 | 1 mL |
ELISA Accessory Pack | AR0133-002 | 2 plates |
Recombinant Chicken GM-CSF | RP0290C-025 | 25 ug |
Recombinant Bovine IL-6 | RP0014B-025 | 25 ug |
Recombinant Chicken IL-4 | RP0110C-005 | 5 ug |
Recombinant Bovine IFN gamma | RP0013B-025 | 25 ug |
Anti-bovine CD11c monoclonal antibody (clone BAQ153A) | WS0519B-100 | 100ug |
Recombinant Bovine IFN gamma | RP0013B-005 | 5 ug |
Recombinant Bovine IL-4 | RP0001B-025 | 25 ug |
Recombinant Bovine GM-CSF | RP0871B-025 | 25 ug |
Recombinant Chicken GM-CSF | RP0290C-005 | 5 ug |
Recombinant Swine CD40 Ligand (CD40LG) | RP0936S-025 | 25 ug |
Recombinant Bovine GM-CSF | RP0871B-005 | 5 ug |
Anti-swine MHC II monoclonal antibody (clone MSA3) | WS0589S-100 | 100ug |
Recombinant Swine IL-4 | RP0300S-005 | 5 ug |
Chicken IFN gamma Do-It-Yourself ELISA | DIY0684C-003 | 1 Set |
Recombinant Swine IFN alpha 1 | RP0010S-005 | 5 ug |
Recombinant Bovine IL-4 | RP0001B-005 | 5 ug |
Recombinant Mouse BAFF | RP0405M-025 | 25 ug |
Recombinant Swine GM-CSF | RP0940S-025 | 25 ug |
Anti-bovine CD3 monoclonal antibody (clone MM1A) | WS0561B-100 | 100ug |
Recombinant Canine IFN alpha | RP0463D-025 | 25 ug |
Anti-swine TCR1 δ chain specific monoclonal antibody (clone PGBL22A) | WS0621S-100 | 100ug |
Bovine IL-17A VetSet | VS0284B-002 | 2 plates |
Anti-rabbit CD8 monoclonal antibody (clone ISC29E) | WS0768U-100 | 100ug |
Rabbit IFN gamma Do-It-Yourself ELISA | DIY0713U-003 | 1 Set |
Recombinant Swine IL-4 | RP0300S-025 | 25 ug |
Recombinant Swine IFN-beta | RP0011S-005 | 5 ug |
Recombinant Rabbit VEGF-A | RP0923U-025 | 25 ug |
Recombinant Rat APRIL | RP0383R-025 | 25 ug |
Recombinant Rabbit VEGF-A | RP0923U-100 | 100 ug |
Recombinant Chicken IL-2 | RP0063C-005 | 5 ug |
Recombinant Bovine IL-10 | RP0379B-025 | 25 ug |
Recombinant Swine GM-CSF | RP0940S-005 | 5 ug |
Anti-chicken IFN gamma PAb | PB0442C-100 | 100 ug |
Recombinant Swine TNF alpha | RP0080S-005 | 5 ug |
Anti-bovine CD14 monoclonal antibody (clone CAM66A) | WS0565B-100 | 100ug |
Recombinant Swine APRIL | RP0415S-005 | 5 ug |
Recombinant Equine GM-CSF | RP0022E-025 | 25 ug |
Anti-bovine CD14 monoclonal antibody (clone CAM36A) | WS0564B-100 | 100ug |
Anti-swine CD2 monoclonal antibody (clone MSA4) | WS0590S-100 | 100ug |
Recombinant Chicken IFN gamma | RP0115C-025 | 25 ug |
Recombinant Equine IFN alpha 1 | RP0142E-005 | 5 ug |
Recombinant Swine IFN gamma | RP0126S-025 | 25 ug |
Anti-swine CD25 monoclonal antibody (clone PGBL25A) | WS0625S-100 | 100ug |
Anti-bovine CD80 monoclonal antibody (clone ILA159) | WS0635B-100 | 100ug |
Recombinant Rabbit VEGF-A 165 aa | RP1025U-025 | 25 ug |
ELISA Plates | AR0658-005 | 5 plates |
Recombinant Mouse IFN beta | RP0487M-005 | 5 ug |
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